Your welcome guide to GLF Africa 2021


18 May 2021


On 2-3 June 2021, the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) will host the first-ever digital conference focused entirely on Africa’s drylands and how integrative restoration practices can see them flourish once again.

The conference, entitled ‘Restoring Africa’s Drylands: Accelerating Action on the Ground’, will be held entirely online.

To help you navigate this digital environment – and ensure you get the most out of the conference – we’ve compiled this handy guide to the technology that’s going to help make it happen.

  1. Get the app (but you can also join from your computer):
    Once you’ve registered, you’ll be able to join the conference from your computer and mobile device. You will receive instructions via email to download the Whova app and how to join GLF Africa. This will give you access to unique interactive features. With the app you can:

    • create a profile and view or get matched with other attendees;
    • schedule personal meetings with other attendees;
    • join network tables; and
    • set reminders for sessions you don’t want to miss.

    Get app now

    (Most of these features are available on your computer as well.)

  2. Personalize your agenda:
    Create your own agenda for the conference to make sure you never miss a session. Search for sessions by filtering according to session type, add the ones you like the look of to your personal agenda, and set reminders to ensure you’re right there in the ‘virtual front row’ when they begin.
  3. Join a plenary, session, workshop, launchpad, or Youth Daily Show:
    World-renowned experts, leading international organizations and grassroots changemakers are organizing a wide range of sessions honing in on different elements of drylands restoration across the African continent. When you ‘join a session’, you can ask the speakers questions, and upvote others’ questions, too. You can also chat online with other people in the session. Don’t miss the pastoralism film festival and the virtual tour of East Africa’s drylands! Add them to your schedule to learn more about the communities living in the drylands of Africa – as well as the wealth of biodiversity existing in these fragile landscapes.
  4. Explore the digital exhibition area:
    Visit the digital exhibition area at GLF Africa, boasting up to 40 booths from Africa and beyond. By clicking on exhibitor profiles, attendees can explore each virtual booth for an overview of the organization, project or documentary, viewing their videos, attending the livestreams, reading descriptions, contact information, and accessing any promotional offers.
  5. Network and join groups:
    In lieu of making connections around the coffee and muffins at break time, let’s do our best at networking virtually. Join discussion topics, social groups and virtual networking sessions – or create your own.
  6. Take part in polls:
    Have your say by participating in polls about specific sessions – or the conference in general – to help build our collective understanding of each other and the whole experience.
  7. Parlez vous Français?
    Find a French-language guide to Whova here:
    French Whova Guide – Mobile App.pdf – Google Drive
  8. Please take a look at the conference etiquette:
    To make your conference experience inclusive, meaningful, and positive, we kindly ask you to take a brief look at our etiquette before browsing the Whova conference app and adding sessions to your calendar.

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