Youth Dialogue: Ghana 2019


15 Oct 2019

Youth Dialogue on the UN Ecosystem Restoration 

October 31, 2019, 09:00 – 12:00, FAO Regional Office for Africa (RAF)


On the morning of October 31st, students and young professionals (18-35) will gather in the FAO Regional Office for Africa in Accra, Ghana, to share their views and ideas on Youth engagement during the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. This meeting represents a key moment for consulting regional youth on their needs, expectations and wishes and to draw key steps forward to ensure effective youth participation and engagement in the UN Decade.

In this session, participants will reflect and share opinions on the following questions:

  • What does the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration mean for young people?
  • What actions must be taken to ensure youth-led restoration initiatives?
  • How can youth participation be enhanced and what kind of support is needed?

Apply if you are:

  • A young representative or activist from any development sector.
  • A young leader, public officer, entrepreneur or businessman.
  • A young academic researcher, student or technical expert.



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