GLF Newsletter

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How does AI impact landscape work in 2024?

25 Jul 2024

AI is making its way into nearly every aspect of our lives, and landscape work is no exception. This September, AI’s role in forging a prosperous and sustainable future for Africa’s land and seascapes will be discussed at GLF Africa 2024: Greening the African Horizon.

4 ways to scale your impact right now

18 Jun 2024

Earlier this month, many of you joined us for GLF Peatlands. Who knew peat, or decomposed organic matter, could trap so much carbon? Hooray for decay! We’ve also explored what we can learn from the droughts in Africa on World Desertification and Drought Day – take a look in case you missed it. Ready for another deep dive into climate justice? On 20 June, we’re organizing a hybrid forum with OFAC on the state of Central African forests. Join us online for free! Read on to learn about other upcoming events and opportunities!

4 climate events you should attend in 2024

22 May 2024

Happy World Bee Day and International Biodiversity Day from all of us at the Global Landscapes Forum! As we celebrate the rich tapestry of life on our planet this month, we’re thrilled to let you know that tickets are now available for almost all of our major events this year. Join us in exploring and protecting our planet’s diverse ecosystems – from peatlands to forests to drylands and beyond!

Did you forget this climate solution?

26 Apr 2024

What if we told you that there’s a silent hero who could save us from the climate crisis? That hero isn’t a person, but a landscape. Peatlands may look ordinary, but they’re hiding a powerful secret – these unassuming areas are the ultimate carbon sinks, pulling carbon from the air like natural purifiers. What if we could build a global movement to harness this power? That’s exactly what we’re aiming to do at our first major event of the year: GLF Peatlands 2024.

8 women and 42 influencers you should know

21 Mar 2024

From farmer protests to falling temperature records, the signs of ecological collapse are growing more apparent than ever. One thing is clear: we need a new vision for Earth. This month, we’re proud to continue an annual GLF tradition: for International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating eight incredible women plugging away to reverse our fortunes through activism, business, science, policymaking and more. Read on to discover their remarkable stories!

Meet 10 organizations shaping the future

27 Feb 2024

Happy World NGO Day from all of us at the Global Landscapes Forum! Today, we're celebrating all the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that partner with us to create lasting change across the world's landscapes.

What can we do in a 1.5-degree world?

22 Jan 2024

Happy New Year from all of us at the GLF! Last month, while all eyes were on the COP28 climate summit in Dubai, scientists at the U.K. Met Office issued a stark warning that went largely unnoticed: for the first time ever, global heating could reach 1.5 degrees Celsius this year.

What did we accomplish at the world’s biggest climate event?

14 Dec 2023

COP28 is a wrap. What happens now? For the first time ever, countries have agreed a deal to “transition away” from fossil fuels – but without committing to phase them out or phase them down. Small island states and climate advocates have pointed out numerous “loopholes” in the text that could enable continued fossil fuel expansion and reliance on controversial technologies like carbon capture and storage. In this newsletter, we bring you in-depth coverage and analysis from the world’s biggest climate event of 2023. Plus, stay tuned for highlights from our 10th anniversary at the end of the year, with many more updates to come in January!

Join our live COP28 coverage

22 Nov 2023

It’s that time of the year again: next week, world leaders are gathering in Dubai for the COP28 climate summit. Will we see more progress on loss and damage? Will countries finally commit to phasing out fossil fuels? Get all the answers and more by following our live coverage of all the action on the ground. Plus, from Colombian adventures to our next cohort of Restoration Stewards, here’s what we’ve been up to this month.

58 ways to make the new vision for Earth a reality

31 Oct 2023

We know what you’re thinking – we talk a lot about landscape restoration here. But what does restoration really mean to the people carrying it out? Find out next month by joining our free online event, where you’ll get to discover projects turning the tide on degraded landscapes around the world and meet the people behind them. Plus, continue exploring our biggest event to date, paving a path to a fairer world ahead of COP28.