
Women farmers, the unsung heroes

16 Mar 2020

https://soundcloud.com/cifor-forests/women-farmers-the-unsung-heroes?in=cifor-forests/sets/lets-talk-trees In our very first episode that coincides with International Women’s Day, we highlight the lives of the world’s invisible heroes: women farmers who feed the world. Our guests Houria Djoudi, CIFOR Senior Scientist, Sustainable Landscape and Livelihood team, and Ana Maria Paez-Valencia, ICRAF Scientist on Gender Unit, share their insights on the roles of […]

How to catalyze gender equitable change

16 Dec 2019

https://soundcloud.com/cifor-forests/how-to-catalyze-gender-equitable-change Markus Ihalainen, CIFOR’s Senior Research and Engagement Officer explores some of the challenges women face in climate action efforts. This podcast was recorded at the U.N COP 25 climate talks in Madrid.

Gender power relationships

16 Dec 2019

https://soundcloud.com/cifor-forests/gender-power-relationships Houria Hjoudi, a senior scientist at CIFOR, discusses transformative change in relation to gender. This podcast was recorded at the U.N COP 25 climate talks in Madrid.

Role of data in Nationally Determined Contributions

16 Dec 2019

https://soundcloud.com/cifor-forests/role-of-data-in-nationally-determined-contributions Thuy Pham, a CIFOR scientist, shares hers perspectives on data in forestry science. This podcast was recorded at the U.N COP 25 climate talks in Madrid.

Agroforestry for farmers’ livelihoods and ecosystem services

11 Dec 2019

https://soundcloud.com/cifor-forests/agroforestry-for-farmers-livelihoods-and-ecosystem-services Lalisa Duguma, Senior Scientist Sustainable Landscapes and Resilience with World Agroforestry (ICRAF), explains the multiple benefits that trees on farms – agroforestry – provides to farmers facing the challenges of climate change.

Agroforestry for the NDCs

11 Dec 2019

https://soundcloud.com/cifor-forests/agroforestry-for-the-ndcs Peter Akong Minang, Principal Science Advisor with World Agroforestry (ICRAF), explains the contribution of agroforestry – trees on farms – to countries’ nationally determined contributions and to farmers’ livelihoods and the health of the planet.

NDCs and monitoring

11 Dec 2019

https://soundcloud.com/cifor-forests/ndcs-and-monitoring CIFOR’s Christopher Martius, principal scientist and hub leader for CIFOR’s Bonn office, discusses how countries can make stronger nationally determined contributions (NDCs) as well as challenges for monitoring progress on forests and landscapes.

Climate and Agriculture at COP

11 Dec 2019

https://soundcloud.com/cifor-forests/climate-and-agriculture-at-cop ICRAF scientist Christine Lamanna discusses the role agriculture can plan in tackling the climate crisis and improving livelihoods.

Blue carbon and peatlands and the role they play at climate talks

10 Dec 2019

https://soundcloud.com/cifor-forests/blue-carbon-and-peatlands-and-the-role-they-play-at-climate-talks Daniel Murdiyarso, Principal Scientist at the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) talk about Blue carbon and peatlands and the role they play at climate talks

What’s going on at COP25?

8 Dec 2019

https://soundcloud.com/cifor-forests/whats-going-on-at-cop25 Steve Leonard, CIFOR senior climate analyst, discusses the state of play after the first week of COP25 in Madrid, including the expectations and the implications of negotiations on the world’s forests. Steve spoke from Madrid with CIFOR Team Leader Jeremy van Loon.