
Forests wildfire

7 Dec 2019

https://soundcloud.com/cifor-forests/forests-wildfire CIFOR tropical forest ecologist Rosa Roman-Cuesta discusses this year’s fires that have occurred in all types of ecosystems from boreal forests to tropical peatlands. She explains the root causes of the problem and what needs to be done to prevent recurring incidents.

The role of forests in addressing climate change

6 Dec 2019

https://soundcloud.com/cifor-forests/the-role-of-forests-in-climate-change Amy Duchelle-Senior Scientist and Team Leader for Climate Change, Energy, and Low Carbon Development, CIFOR Forests play a crucial role in tackling climate change. Nature-based solutions, or actions to protect, restore and sustainably manage natural ecosystems, are increasingly acknowledged for the positive ways they can contribute to climate mitigation, and support the rights and […]

Give local communities stewardship, not pressure, says One World – No Hunger leader Dr. Schmitz

14 Dec 2018

While strategies and partnerships to restore the world’s degraded forests and landscapes might be conceived in donor offices and government hallways, it’s often local communities who take these plans and put them into world-changing actions. But how do you make sure that this implementation actually happens, and that these agendas to combat climate change actually […]

What is the best way to plant trees? Ecologist Christopher Kettle reveals the secret

14 Dec 2018

Using the right mix of native trees in forest restoration efforts is essential to meeting sustainable development goals including reducing poverty and food insecurity, and supporting biodiversity. Our guest Christopher Kettle from the Bioversity International specializes in tropical forest trees, their reproductive ecology and the importance of forest genetic resources for resilient landscapes. Music by www.bensound.com

The new GLF Landscape Academy is ready to launch

14 Dec 2018

But first, what is it? On 1 December at the GLF Bonn 2018 conference, the GLF will officially launch its Landscape Academy, a first-of-its-kind curated learning platform where students, professionals, colleges and universities, and anyone interested in restoring landscapes can come to take free and paid online courses that will help them learn what they […]

Meet a young Kenyan influencer who uses photography to protect environment

14 Dec 2018

Photo by José Carlos Babo, creative commons

How African countries scale up private sector integration in landscape approaches

14 Dec 2018

Through these examples we hope to help more landscape initiatives reach out successfully to private sector partners, and to motivate more private sector actors, of all sizes, to actively seek out opportunities to be engaged and supportive partners in integrated landscape management in the landscapes where they operate. Take a listen Music: Bensound.com Photo: Ministry […]

Engaging the Private Sector in Integrated Landscape Approaches: More examples from across Africa

14 Dec 2018

Engaging the private sector is a key action area within the African Landscapes Action Plan (ALAP), which, like AFR100, contributes to the African Resilient Landscapes Initiative (ARLI). Our digital summit panelists are providing insight from both the landscape partnership convener perspective, and from the private sector already engaged in landscape management initiatives. Panelists are Edward […]