
Scaling up Social Enterprise for Sustainable Landscapes

4 Jun 2018

How can local projects be scaled into global solutions? How can a movement of social enterprise be leveraged to achieve Sustainable Development Goals? We are discussing all this and more with our panel of Start-up founders, Accelerator mentors and Investors.

The Role of Private Capital in Conservation

4 Jun 2018

By expanding the carbon markets to new sectors and creating further demand for forest-based carbon credits at their true value, conservation finance is absolutely key to protecting critical ecosystems, and enabling businesses and consumers to take much needed climate action.

GLF 2018 Priorities

2 Feb 2018

John Colmey, Executive Producer of the Global Landscapes Forum talks about what’s in store for 2018.

Close communication gap to empower youth in landscapes movement

25 Jan 2018

Communication must improve with regard to science, knowledge transfer and network expansion to empower youth and give opportunities to everyone, said a youth delegate at the Global Landscapes Forum in Bonn, Germany, describing how greater involvement of young people can forge change.

Indigenous leaders: We can protect mother nature like nobody else

22 Jan 2018

They are the custodians of land; they are the guardians of forests and natural resources. Indigenous people all over the world have protected their landscapes since the earliest times. They believe their expertise is indispensable if the world wants to improve land use management and tackle current environmental challenges.

Landscapes what´s new? Meet the new Bonn Challenge Barometer of Progress

21 Jan 2018

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) launched the Bonn Challenge Barometer of Progress that details the development Brazil, Mexico, El Salvador, Rwanda, South Korea and the United States are making in bringing degraded and deforested landscapes into restoration. It is the only global progress tracking protocol focused on forest landscape restoration.