Facilitating change in multi-stakeholder landscapes

About the 2023 Landscape Leadership Workshop


On 9 and 10 October, the 2023 Landscape Leadership Workshop was held in Nairobi, Kenya, to set the scene for the GLF Nairobi 2023 Hybrid Conference: A New Vision for Earth. Co-designed by the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF), the Youth in Landscapes Initiative (YIL), and the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), the workshop brought together 45 brilliant young minds from Africa and around the world selected from over 700 applicants to drive impactful and transformative change.

Together, we brainstormed out of the box to find landscape solutions to the climate crisis, biodiversity loss, social injustices and other major challenges. We held hands while sharing our feelings about the world. We harnessed the power of art to challenge dominant narratives. We will forever cherish the memories we made, and we will continue to nourish these new relationships with care.


Facilitating change in multi-stakeholder landscapes


This presentation introduces the concept of Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (MSPs) as cooperation arrangements to address specific issues. It emphasizes the importance of mapping stakeholders in landscapes, exploring power dynamics, and recognizing the roles of different actors. The presentation discusses the 7 principles of effective MSPs, including embracing systemic change, transforming institutions, and fostering collaborative leadership. It encourage understanding power, conflict resolution, and effective communication.

The audience is prompted to reflect on the obstacles to communication and how MSPs bring people together to address landscape challenges. The presentation concludes by providing tools and key resources for working with power and managing conflict.


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2023 Landscape Leadership Workshop

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Publisher: Youth in Landscapes Initiative (YIL)

Language: English

Year: 203

Ecosystem(s): Drylands and Rangelands

Location(s): Global

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