The Participatory Informed Landscape Approach (PILA)


PILA benefits 

Foster country ownership and commitment

Leverage and strengthen existing country processes and capacities

Develop participatory Integrated Landscape Management Plan (ILMP) for

deforestation-free commodities and agroecological food system transformation

Tap into “One-FAO” integrated technical package and technical agency


Facilitated methodology for multi-stakeholder planning process with a policy focus and

mainstreamed agroecological principles and sustainable standards

Multi-dimensional evaluation of the farms sustainability performance

PILA geospatial platform and integrated (GIS-field survey) landscape assessment

Analysis of the enabling environment, including tenure rights and transformative


Restoration potential mapping, including data on costs and benefits of ecosystem


Assessment and empowerment of forest and farm producer organizations

Publisher: FAO

Language: English

Year: 2024

Ecosystem(s): Forests

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