Building blocks for a new vision for earth – A call to action

Why do we need a new vision for earth?


In the aftermath of the GLF Nairobi 2023 Hybrid Conference, we aimed at disseminating A New Vision for Earth. The campaign focuses on rallying diverse and influential voices to endorse 6 global demands targeted at key players during COP28, including the international community, policymakers, public and private financiers, and the private sector.

The overarching goal is to shape discussions and perceptions within and beyond COP28, ensuring the inclusion of scientific priorities, insights from leading experts, and the perspectives of the most affected people and landscapes/seascapes. The demands align with the key outcomes of the GLF Nairobi Conference, centered around the core GLF themes of rights, food and livelihoods, landscape restoration, financing sustainable landscapes, and measuring progress.


6 global demands targeted at key players during COP28


We urgently need a New Vision for Earth. We ask the international community, policymakers, public and private financing, and the private sector to adopt these 6 global actions backed by knowledge and the latest research.

These include addressing the climate crisis, emphasizing collaborative food sovereignty, transforming financial models for inclusivity, and prioritizing a well-being economy within planetary boundaries. Democratizing knowledge creation and advocating for rights underscore the comprehensive framework for a resilient, inclusive, and eco-conscious global community:


  1. Restore Landscapes and Seascapes: Redesign global food systems for resilience and unite for diverse, sovereign food production.
  2. Unite For Food and Seed Sovereignty: Advocate coherent policies and subsidy redirection and scale regenerative agriculture for soil health.
  3. Transform Financial Models: Adopt transparent models, redirecting capital sustainably.
  4. Build A Well-Being Economy: Phase out fossil fuels, advocate well-being beyond GDP.
  5. Democratize Knowledge Creation and Access: Promote free access, integrate diverse voices.
  6. Advocate For Rights in Decision Making: Ensure fair access to resources, uphold Indigenous rights.


Publisher: Global Landscapes Forum (GLF)

Language: English

Year: 2023

Ecosystem(s): Agricultural Land

Location(s): Global

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