Company action in collective efforts for sustainable land use at scale

About this report


This report summarizes findings and recommendations from a 15-month study initiated to advance understanding of the use of landscape and jurisdictional approaches as a key corporate strategy for downstream and midstream companies to achieve sustainable sourcing and have positive impacts in the regions they are sourcing from.

The study identified 113 companies supporting landscape and jurisdictional initiatives across 91 initiatives, in 19 countries. Recommendations have been drawn from the research for downstream and midstream companies to mobilize more private sector action.


Key recommendations for companies


  • Increase landscape-scale action and integrate it into corporate sustainability and business strategy
  • Invite and/or incentivize other private sector actors to take landscape-scale action
  • Spotlight multi-stakeholder collaboration to transition towards sustainable land use at scale
  • Align resources and efforts in committed and/or progressing landscape and jurisdictions.

The report contains three further recommendations for the wider community working with landscape and jurisdictional approaches. Using the results from the research, a business case is presented in the report for companies to see the opportunities and assist the transformation to sustainable commodity production through multi-stakeholder collaboration at scale.

This report is part of a global study that aims to understand how midstream and downstream companies have been using landscape and jurisdictional approaches to address commodity-driven deforestation. The study includes five commodity specific reports on cocoa, palm oil, pulp, paper and packaging, beef and soy landscape-scale action as well as this final summary report. The study also delves deeper into other possible uses of these approaches, in a report on meeting corporate climate, nature and people goals.


Publisher: Tropical Forest Alliance

Language: English

Year: 2023

Ecosystem(s): Forests

Location(s): Africa, Asia, Latin America

This publication is focused on value chains in support of the work of the Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration Impact Program (FOLUR), with funding from the Global Environment Facility.

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