Forests are home to some 80 percent of terrestrial animal and plant species and thus provide livelihoods for one in five people. So far, however, the ambitious forest protection goals agreed by international governments have not been implemented sufficiently. There is political will in the partner countries, but it is being inhibited by weak governance and a lack of coordination of individual measures. For example, more than 12.2 million hectares of tropical forest are lost each year – and with them a major carbon sink. Forest landscape restoration (FLR) is therefore an important measure in combating climate change.
The project Forest4Future advises the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) on issues related to FLR and the EU Forest Law Enforcement, Government and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan. For example, it is supporting and helping to steer the FLR Initiative in Africa (AFR100). In selected partner countries, the project is providing support in achieving the national FLR targets. In addition, the project supports EU and international processes that improve governance in the forest sector.
Trees are being planted on an area of 12,394 hectares in Benin, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Madagascar and Togo. The aim of this is to improve biomass and reduce soil erosion – which has a positive impact on biodiversity and water availability. Furthermore, the project strives to increase the incomes of those who manage forest landscapes and agroforestry systems: 7,320 households are to receive 10 per cent more income on average. Women and young people receive particular support.