Innovative Finance for Nature and People

Primary tropical forests are vital for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Climate Agreement, and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, especially benefiting host countries and Indigenous People and Local Communities (IPLCs). The One Forest Summit in Libreville, co-hosted by France and Gabon, aimed to ensure these ecosystems are protected and restored for their environmental, economic, cultural, and social benefits.

This report assesses the state of biodiversity finance and recommends new financial mechanisms, focusing on biodiversity-positive carbon credits and nature certificates. It was developed by a High-Level Working Group with support from an Expert Panel.


Key Messages

1. Financial gap: global biodiversity financing needs to increase to $200 billion annually by 2030, while reducing harmful subsidies by $500 billion per year.
2. Innovative instruments: biodiversity-positive carbon credits and nature certificates can help bridge the financing gap and generate private sector interest.
3. Governance and policy: effective governance, clear policies, and institutional frameworks are crucial for market integrity and scaling up finance.
4. IPLC involvement: full participation and benefit-sharing with IPLCs are essential for successful stewardship of forests and biodiversity.
5. Market development: practical metrics, robust verification processes, and demand incentives are needed to develop high-integrity markets.


Publisher: Global Environment Facility (GEF)

Language: English

Year: 2023

Ecosystem(s): Forests

Location(s): France, Gabon, Global

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