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Lessons from Indonesia: Building a Nature-Based Economy through Jurisdictional Approaches

The Sustainable Districts Association of Indonesia (LTKL) is a collaboration forum established and managed by Indonesian district governments to promote sustainable land and resource use through collective action. The forum – comprising nine ‘Kabupaten Lestari’, or sustainable districts – supports governments with the development and implementation of jurisdiction-wide sustainability policies, strategies and programs.

This paper hones in on LKTL’s CommuNature initiative, a district-level effort to spark a bioeconomy via the implementation of nature-based solutions (NbS). The initiative centres on income and livelihoods generation via the production of value-added goods from raw materials only available in healthy ecological areas within the districts (forests, river basins, lakes, agricultural areas and coastal regions). If successful, CommuNature will provide sound evidence for the scalability of NbS, and pave the way for stronger regional collaboration and investment in sustainable land and resource use going forwards.

This White Paper was produced by LTKL and CIFOR

Watch the corresponding session that took place at the GLF Biodiversity Digital Conference: One World – One Health here: Lessons From Indonesia: building a nature-based economy through jurisdictional approaches


Publisher: Global Landscapes Forum

Language: English

Year: 2020

Location(s): Asia, Indonesia

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