Sustainable landscapes are essential for the future we want. They provide humanity with food, health benefits, livelihoods and income, business and trade opportunities, renewable materials and energy, biodiversity conservation, fertile and productive soils, climate regulation and water security. Working toward the achievement of sustainable and low- emission development inspired by initiatives such as the Sustainable Development Goals, New York Declaration on Forests, Bonn Challenge, Aichi Targets and Paris Agreement, the second annual Global Landscapes Forum in Bonn aimed to ‘reignite the flame’ to accelerate and mobilize collective action.
We know the changes we must make, and the time to change is now. This is one of the main messages emerging from the summit which on 1-2 December, 2018, assembled 1,000 participants on-site and thousands more online to go beyond pledges and commitments and spur collective action on securing a more sustainable future for life on this planet. Participants reiterated that business-as-usual will not get landscapes on the track of sustainability, or do it broadly and quickly enough to meet critical biodiversity, climate and development goals. What, then, will get us where we need to go?
Read the report to find out.