This paper provides an international overview of both official and market-based taxonomies of which there are an increasing number with multiple initiatives arising in line with the mainstreaming of sustainable finance. It summarises the various approaches that have been taken as well as the different objectives that are being pursued. This publication aims to help market participants and stakeholders to better understand existing taxonomies and their usage. It is also designed to inform policy makers and the regulatory community in their reflections on the pertinence of further taxonomy related initiatives and the goals that they may wish to pursue with these efforts.
Home › Publications › Overview and Recommendations for Sustainable Finance Taxonomies
EnglishOverview and Recommendations for Sustainable Finance Taxonomies
Author: Nicholas Pfaff, Ozgur Altun and Yanqing Jia
Publisher: International Capital Market Association (ICMA)
Language: English
Year: 2021
Location(s): Global