The Paris Agreement, approved at the 21st Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21 – UNFCCC) in December 2015, is a milestone in the history of addressing climate change on a global scale. The universal agreement signed by 195 countries and the EU in Paris represents the most important multilateral environmental treaty of the 21st century, defining how society will tackle global climate change in the next decades, having as a central goal to limit the temperature rise below 2ºC and attempting to achieve the target of 1,5ºC.
Brazil, one of the world’s biggest greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) emitters, has a fundamental role in this scenario. The iNDCs (Intended Nationally Determined Contributions) submitted by the country set an absolute emission reduction of 37% until 2025 and 43% until 2030, having as base 2005 levels. Thus, the engagement of land use, renewable energy and low carbon agriculture sectors is key for the Brazilian commitments.
This Policy Brief aims at analyzing on how the Paris Agreement can craft land use dynamic in Brazil within the next 20 years, enabling continuous improvements, which promote the adoption of large-scale low carbon actions and boost the production of food, fibers, forests and energy, along with environmental protection.