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Promoting smart biodiverse farming for agricultural sustainability in remote communities

Coffee is a staple of the global economy, accounting for 15 to 20 billion USD worth of exports per year, and providing jobs for tens of millions of hospitality workers around the world. But as climate change, deforestation and biodiversity loss compound the existing inequities facing the world’s 25 million smallholder coffee producers – pushing many to diversify their farms and seek alternative, more economically viable livelihoods – the crop behind the world’s go-to morning pick-me-up faces an uncertain future.

In this paper, CARICO Café share insight from their current initiatives in Uganda, drawing on success stories and lessons learned to elucidate possible solutions to the multitude of environmental and economic catch-22s facing remote and high-altitude coffee farmers.

Watch the corresponding session that took place at the GLF Biodiversity Digital Conference: One World – One Health here: Promoting Smart Biodiverse Farming for Agricultural Sustainability in Remote Communities.

Author: CARICO Café

Publisher: Global Landscapes Forum

Language: English

Year: 2020

Location(s): Uganda

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