Restoration Education: Building a Pan-African curriculum on landscape restoration that works

About this curriculum


The Restoration Education program represents an initiative that aims to integrate landscape restoration into formal academic and vocational education in Africa. The initiative builds on the international momentum created by the launch of the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration1 in June 2021. Labelling the decade 2021-2030 as Decade on Ecosystem Restoration spurred the increase of investment in landscape restoration, particularly in Africa. While increased investment has led to an increased number of restoration projects across the continent, it also led to the awareness that there is a shortage of well-trained professionals to do the job.

Whereas forest management is a well-established educational domain, the concept of forest landscape restoration, which connects multiple disciplines within environmental and social sciences both, is relatively new. To build a new generation of ‘restoration professionals’ across the continent, a group of African education institutes, together with the Global Landscapes Forum and IUFRO launched a Call to Action to develop inter- and transdisciplinary restoration related curricula across the African continent.

Publisher: Global Landscapes Forum (GLF); The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR); University of Ibadan, Nigeria; University of Energy and Natural Resources; Ghana University of Development Studies; Ghana Centre for Applied Systems Analysis; Malawi Integrated Polytechnic Regional College Kitabi (IPRC Kitabi, Rwanda

Language: English

Year: 2024

Ecosystem(s): Forests

Location(s): Africa

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