Synopsis of the Report on Market Analysis of Existing Innovations and Startups in the Field of Land Reclamation Applicable in the Aral Sea Basin

This study assesses the level of innovative activity in the field of land restoration in Kazakhstan, and reviews current support mechanisms for startups operating in the agricultural and sustainable land management sectors. Following a thorough analysis of global and regional trends in land restoration innovation, it provides economic, technological, policy and human capital recommendations towards advancing Kazakhstan’s capacity to address the acute land degradation situation in the Aral Sea basin.

The synopsis was developed under the Global Disruptive Tech Challenge: Restoring Landscapes in the Aral Sea Region, organized with the support of the Central Asia Water and Energy Program (CAWEP) – a multi-donor Trust-Fund financed by the European Union, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The Challenge is administered by the World Bank and will inform the Resilient Landscape Program in Central Asia RESILAND CA +, currently under preparation. It is implemented by the Kazakh- German University (DKU), the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) and Plug and Play (P&P).

Author: Olga Romanova and Anuar Lenzat

Publisher: Global Landscapes Forum (GLF)

Language: English; Russian

Year: 2021

Ecosystem(s): Forests, Agricultural Land

Location(s): Central Asia

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