The Rainforest Alliance’s work in East Africa

Rising temperatures, changes in precipitation, and other effects of climate change are undeniably affecting the ecosystems, biodiversity, and local communities in East Africa. The region has been subject to more frequent and intense rainfall events, floods, and droughts in recent decades, impacting the livelihoods of millions of people. With almost 70 percent of the economy in East Africa relying on agriculture, climate change effects have the potential to undermine or even reverse progress made toward improving the socio-economic well-being of the region’s inhabitants.

The Rainforest Alliance has been working with coffee and tea farmers in East Africa for more than 30 years to advance sustainable agriculture practices across vulnerable landscapes and watersheds. Rainforest Alliance’s vision for the region is to build and reinforce connections among farming communities, commodity companies, civil society organizations, and governments, and to promote sustainable production practices to benefit people and nature through an integrated landscape management approach.

Publisher: Rainforest Alliance

Language: English

Year: 2023

Ecosystem(s): Agricultural Land

Location(s): East Africa

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