Value beyond value chains – Case study collection private sector companies engaging beyond their own value chains

Examples of businesses engaging directly with governments at different levels


Deforestation contributes to climate change, which may cause a third more of the world’s people to face food insecurity by 2050. At the same time, the commodities that drive deforestation are major components of economic development in tropical forest countries, providing a route out of poverty for millions of poor farmers and families.

These case studies show a variety of initiatives and platforms seeking to promote sustainable commodity production through multi-stakeholder dialogue and improvements to the enabling environment for sustainability in their jurisdictions.

These platforms operate at a variety of scales, ranging from national-level platforms down to sub-national jurisdictions (political boundaries) and landscapes (ecological boundaries). The case studies illustrate ways in which companies can engage with these platforms and the benefits – both for sustainability and for businesses – that this engagement can create.


Author: Aline da Silva, Charles O ́Malley, Julian Lambin, Laiza Andriolo, Margreet Groot, Pascale Bonzom, Rut Gomez Sobrino, Simon Cooper, Yasmin Paul and partners.

Publisher: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Language: English

Year: 2022

Ecosystem(s): Agricultural Land

Location(s): Global

This publication is focused on value chains in support of the work of the Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration Impact Program (FOLUR), with funding from the Global Environment Facility.

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