UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration Expectations


What is the Decade?

Land degradation is negatively impacting at least 3.2 billion people and costing over 10 per cent of the annual global gross product in loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Reversing degradation of land and marine ecosystems can provide more than one-third of the climate change mitigation required by 2030 to remain below a 2°C increase in average global temperatures and at the same time conserve biodiversity, increase food and water security, and help achieve the sustainable development goals. The UN Decade provides a timeline upon which to accelerate and pull together multiple U.N. development, environment and climate frameworks already in place.


Why should you take this survey?

This is your chance to help us shape the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. GLF is undertaking this survey on behalf of UN Environment and FAO, the lead UN agencies for the Decade. Your inputs are valuable for helping us build a comprehensive and inclusive plan that will assure an effective Decade. Complete this survey (it should only take you about 8-10 minutes) and help inform discussions at GLF New York City. If you’re interested in joining us, please submit your Expression of Interest or tune in online for the Live Digital Edition.

Take the survey now