Generation Restoration

Restoring the Earth’s ecosystems demands that action is taken all over the world and by everyone

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Generation Restoration is the GLF and YIL youth program supporting global ecosystem restoration efforts, including the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, the Bonn Challenge, Initiative 20×20 and AFR100. It will rally young restorers ready to take leadership roles in climate action efforts and ensure that changes are made towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

The youth generation will be most affected by the climate crisis, yet at the same time, they are the generation that is already taking bold action.
Generation Restoration, a new program being developed by the Youth in Landscapes Initiative (YIL), GLF aims to increase young people’s involvement in restoration activities at all levels.

Generation Restoration’s main objectives are to:

  1. Mainstream restoration activities in global youth movements;
  2. Develop a thriving community of practice;
  3. Increase opportunity for youth employment in ecosystem restoration activities.


The program aims to support five young restoration professionals and their teams to further develop their restoration projects and raise awareness among their local communities about the importance of ecosystem restoration and healthy landscapes.


In order to reach these objectives, Generation Restoration will focus on:

Networking and Collaborating

Ridhima Pandey on the price of unchecked development

Generation Restoration will enable networking among youth with similar ideas, supporting knowledge sharing and new collaborations.


Ridhima Pandey on the price of unchecked development

Youth involved in the program will not only develop skills but will share their knowledge with thousands of peers.

Grants and Funding

Ridhima Pandey on the price of unchecked development

Connection with new partners will increase the opportunity for youth to scale up their projects, or to take part in global restoration projects.

Outreach and Engagement

Ridhima Pandey on the price of unchecked development

Outside youth networks will be identified, in order to develop collective action toward restoration.

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