This session explores the diverse biophysical and socio-economic interconnections that exist between the Amazon and its neighboring biomes, namely the Cerrado, Chiquitanía, Paramos and High Andes. It aims to identify the threats and tradeoffs deriving from pressures and interventions in these biomes, as well as potential solutions that could drive transformational change. Panelists discuss the challenges associated to such connections and reflect on lessons stemming from successful experiences in Colombia, Brazil, Paraguay, Ecuador and Bolivia.
Can We Save the Amazon Alone? Connections Between the Amazon and Its Neighboring Biomes
Publisher: Global Landscapes Forum (GLF)
Language: English; Português; Español
Year: 2021
Ecosystem(s): Forests
Location(s): Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Latin America, Paraguay
This video is part of following session:
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
European Union
Luciana Gatti
Senior Researcher, Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
Dayske Shoji
Secretario de Desarrollo, Gobierno Autónomo Departamental de Santa Cruz (GAD SCRZ)
Isabel Figueiredo
Country Programme Manager for the Small Grants Programme in Brazil, ISPN Instituto Sociedade, População e Natureza
Karim Musálem
Director de Conservación, WWF
Marcela Galvis Hernandez
Coordinadora de Proyecto, Instituto Humboldt
Manuel Serrano Davila
Especialista Paisajes Andinos, FAO
Bernard Crabbé
Head of the environment mainstreaming & circular economy sector, Directorate General, European Commission, International Partnerships (INTPA)
Guillermo Rioja Ballivián
Anthropologist, Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México
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