About the Digital Forum Nature Based Solutions


One of the most promising solutions to land degradation is restoration, which aims to regain ecological functionality and enhance human well-being in deforested or degraded landscapes. More than 2 billion hectares of such landscapes stand to be restored globally. However, implementation still remains far below the level needed to address land degradation on a global scale.

On 29 April 2021, the Global Landscapes Forum organized a digital forum on restoration hosted jointly by the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) and the Global Partnership on Forest and Landscape Restoration (GPFLR). This event will help increase understanding in three key areas where restoration can make significant contributions: climate mitigation and adaptation, job creation, and reducing threats to biodiversity. It will also provide an opportunity to showcase the role of partnerships and collaboration in successful restoration.


A model for community-based conservation in Papua New Guinea


In a video message, Modi Pontio, the Associate Director of the Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program, sheds light on the remarkable success story of the Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program and the YUS Conservation Area, encompassing an impressive 78,000 hectares. This extraordinary endeavor stands as a shining example on a national scale, illustrating the innovative approach to conservation within the distinctive framework of Papua New Guinea’s customary land tenure system.

The Huon Peninsula, located in Morobe Province of Papua New Guinea, is characterized by its breathtakingly rugged and mountainous terrain.


Community Conservation Champions of the Huon Peninsula

Language: English

Year: 2021

Ecosystem(s): Forests

Location(s): Papua New Guinea

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