The HerVoice Project in Madagascar, a fictional documentary under the broader EcoShe Project led by Ms. Nancy Barisoa, is a powerful narrative shedding light on the often-overlooked experiences of women in conflict zones. Financed by The Maypole Fund, a small grant-giving organization committed to supporting feminist activism against militarism and war.

The documentary is a poignant exploration of the intersection between gender, conflict, and environmental sustainability. Through evocative storytelling and vivid cinematography, the film delves into the struggles, resilience, and agency of women whose lives have been irrevocably altered by conflict, revealing the unique ways in which they navigate and respond to the challenges posed by war and militarization.

By highlighting their stories, the HerVoice Project seeks to amplify the voices of women who are often marginalized in global discourses, ensuring that their perspectives are integral to the conversation on peace and sustainability.

HerVoice: The Untold Story – Impact of War on Women in Africa

Publisher: EcoShe Project, The Tanora Revolution Podcast

Language: French

Year: 2024

Ecosystem(s): Drylands and Rangelands

Location(s): Madagascar

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