Known formally as World Vision’s Natural Resources Management Specialist, but known more famously as The Forest Maker, Tony Rinaudo helped transform millions of hectares of dry land in Niger. For many people, Tony is certainly an environmental hero, after making a positive impact on food security, and environmental sustainability and resilience for thousands of vulnerable communities around the world.
Tony is a Natural Resources Management Specialist and agronomist who has worked for World Vision for a number of years. Tony’s quite the green thumb, with a list of achievements in developing and promoting agricultural-forestry-pastoral systems. This has resulted in him being nominated for, and winning several international awards.
Over 25 years ago, with the help of the local farmers in Niger, Tony began implementing a conservation farming system which we know as Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR). This approach has been so successful that it has been applied in at least 24 African countries.