How can all the issues discussed today bridge the science – calling for urgent action on climate change in the landscapes – with how people live and act on a daily basis? Key speakers will reflect on how we can ensure we meet Paris Agreement targets through the lens of rights, political accountability and collaboration. Perspectives from indigenous people, civil society and policy makers will help map out the steps we need to take together for successful and holistic climate mitigation.
Jennifer Morgan – Closing Remarks, GLF at COP24
This video is part of following session:
Takeshi Shimotsuma
Supervising Director of Global Environment and Energy, Environment Policy Bureau, Kyoto City Government, Japan
Mette Løyche Wilkie
Director, Forestry Division, FAO
Jennifer Morgan
Executive Director, Greenpeace
Victoria Tauli-Corpuz
UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
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