About GLF Peatlands 2024


Peatlands cover 3-4% of Earth’s land but store a third of global soil carbon. Despite their importance, 12% are degraded, contributing 4% of human-induced emissions.

Degradation, driven by agriculture and forestry, causes environmental and social issues like fires and economic damage. Managing peatlands effectively requires collaboration across sectors.

The Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) Peatlands 2024 Hybrid Conference brought together global stakeholders to address gaps in peatland science, policy, and practice. Held alongside the UNFCCC Bonn Climate Change Conference, it explored peatlands’ roles in carbon storage, biodiversity, and water regulation.


Unlocking the Power of Peatlands


This plenary session gathered experts, policymakers, and practitioners to foster integrated solutions for peatland management. Emphasizing the critical importance of peatlands for climate regulation and biodiversity conservation, the discussion delved into the pressing need for conservation efforts. By building on existing knowledge, we confronted the challenges hindering effective peatland protection and restoration. The session explored how actionable research and local best practices from across regions can pave the way for a regenerative future for peatlands.


Session Speakers


Moderator: Amy Duchelle, Senior Forestry Officer and Team Leader of Forests and Climate in FAO’s Forestry Division

Speakers: Éliane Ubalijoro, CEO, CIFOR-ICRAF; Jochen Flasbarth, State Secretary, BMZ; Musonda Mumba, Secretary General, Convention on Wetlands; Alfred Okot Okidi, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Water & Environment of Uganda; Kristell Hergoualc’h, Senior Scientist, CIFOR’s Climate Change, Energy and Low-Carbon Development Team; Alexandra Barthelmes, Senior Researcher, Greifswald University; Claudenir Favero, Full Professor of Soil Management and Agroecology, UFVJM; Erci Ezerda Alves Ferreira, Community Leader & Vice-President, Guardians Association of the Quilombo Serra do Quilombo de Raiz; Andreia Ferreira dos Santos Ribeiro, President, Guardians Association of the Quilombo Serra do Quilombo de Raiz; Emmanuela Shinta, Founder, Ranu Welum Foundation.


The Climate Solution We Forgot: Unlocking the Power of Peatlands

Language: English

Year: 2024

Ecosystem(s): Wetlands and Peatlands

Location(s): Global

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