Watch this Discussion Forum from the 2016 Global Landscapes Forum: Climate Action for Sustainable Development in Marrakesh, Morocco, alongside UNFCCC COP22.
The panel discusses major developments, commitments and perspectives for concrete action to address landscape restoration challenges in African drylands, one year after the Paris climate agreement has been forged. There is now broad recognition of the potential impact of landscape restoration on both mitigation (e.g. on vegetation cover and soil carbon sequestration) and adaptation (e.g. on resilient farming systems and disaster risk mitigation). Restoration also plays its own part in efforts to address and manage other key development challenges such as food security, rural poverty, employment and displacement and migration. Different studies and publications have documented strategies and solutions to effectively address land degradation and promote resilient landscapes in Africa, and drylands challenges have become a common denominator.
Moderators: Paola Agostini, Global Lead for Landscapes, World Bank Magda Lovei, Practice Manager, Environment & Natural Resources, Africa Region, World Bank
Julia Bucknall, Acting Senior Director, Environment and Natural Resources, World Bank
Simon Rietbergen, Senior Forestry Officer, FAO
Abderrahim Houmy , Secretaire General Haut-Commissariat aux Eaux et Forêts, Morocco
Hassan Abdel-Gadir Hilal, Minister of Environment, Rural Development, and Physical Planning, Sudan
Harrison Karnwea, Managing Director, Forest development Authority, Liberia
Mauro Agnoletti, Vice Chair of the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS), FAO
Horst Freiberg, Head of Division for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Management of Forests, Biological Diversity and Climate Change, German Federal Ministry for the Environment
Craig Hanson, Global Director of Food, Forests and Water, World Resources Institute
Felicity Yameogo, Manager, New Karikis International Sarl, Burkina Faso
Mamadou Diakhite, Team Leader, Principal Officer, NEPAD SLWM Program
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