GLF Climate: Frontiers of Change


Hosted on the sidelines of COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, and online, GLF Climate 2022: Frontiers of Change united 7,000 participants from 164 countries and rallied over 27 million people on social media around what humanity can still do to avoid the worsening impacts of the climate crisis.

Featuring 228 leading scientists, activists, Indigenous leaders, financiers, youth and government leaders, and 96 incredible partner organizations, the second edition of GLF Climate called for a just transition to a stewardship economy that puts people and nature first.


Ecosystem restoration through the lens of values, culture, and spirituality


As the world increasingly understands the consequences of the triple planetary crisis, there is an opportunity for humanity to reorient ourselves towards the earth and natural systems. Many grassroots efforts have realized how values-based approaches that integrate culture, Indigenous knowledge, and lessons from spiritual traditions can help motivate and sustain meaningful shifts in behavior and attitudes.

Within the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration context, this session explores how diverse stakeholders can engage with these themes to heal and restore the living Earth.


The stories we live by: the importance of ecosystem restoration through the lens of values, culture, and spirituality

Publisher: Global Landscapes Forum (GLF)

Language: English

Year: 2022

Ecosystem(s): Agricultural Land

Location(s): Global, North America

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