How sustainable finance can support agriculture in Africa

About GLF Value Chains Week


The first-ever GLF Value Chains Week showcases efforts by financiers, project developers, and changemakers to build sustainable and equitable value chains for the health of people and the planet.

Global supply chain systems are complex. Many underlying drivers related to policy, financing, and market demand pose significant challenges for companies and financial institutions seeking to improve sustainability in their value chains. How can they make changes while improving livelihoods and protecting crucial ecosystems?


Unpacking a new concept


In this panel discussion from GLF Africa 2022, Jane Feehan of the European Investment Bank discusses the challenges of investing in sustainable agriculture, as well as potential opportunities in the years ahead.

How sustainable finance can support agriculture in Africa

Publisher: Global Landscapes Forum (GLF)

Language: English

Year: 2022

Ecosystem(s): Agricultural Land

Location(s): Africa

This video is focused on value chains in support of the work of the Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration Impact Program (FOLUR), with funding from the Global Environment Facility.

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