The Amazon rainforest creates and relies on its own rainfall for survival. Deforestation, increased drought, and wildfire is threatening this process, resulting in an Amazon “dieback” that would transform the world’s largest rainforest into dry savannah. Preventing this outcome is not only possible; it may well be the cheapest means of keeping carbon in the forests. This session explores the science behind the “dieback” scenario, and ways to scale effective, bottom-up strategies for managing fire. Speakers draw on extensive research, as well as first-hand experience managing fires through a collaborative network of Indigenous Peoples, farmers, and government agencies.
The Amazon Forest Dieback: The Science, Impacts and Solutions
Publisher: Global Landscapes Forum (GLF)
Language: English
Year: 2021
Ecosystem(s): Forests
Location(s): Latin America
This video is part of following session:
Earth Innovation Institute
Global Landscapes Forum
Ane Alencar
Director of Science , Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM)
Paulo Brando
Assistant Professor, University of California-Irvine, Department of Earth System Science
Daniel Nepstad
Executive Director and President, Earth Innovation Institute
Marcello Kamaiura
Indigenous leader and coordinator, Kamayura Fire Brigade
Caroline Nobrega
General Manager, Aliança da Terra
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